
Module summary

Implements several heuristics to be used with a separate script to generate .csv logs.

Heuristics for the original problem generally have orig_ prefix in the name, for the simplified problem – simpl_ prefix.

The module also contains some code related to possible further research and testing.

(In the implementation details below, click on class/function names for additional documentation and links to the source code.)


Implements functions (outside the classes above):

fast_greedy_2sifts(A, B)

finds a good alignment target with greedy pairs of sifts

fast_greedy_sifts(A, B)

Finds a good alignment target with greedy sifts.

fastslide(X, a, p)

An experimental function implementing faster 'sift' operation.

minAB(A, B)

Best of A and B heuristic (simplified problem).

orig_5random(A, B, simpl)

Five random orders (original problem).

orig_bestAB(A, B, simpl)

Best of A and B (original problem).

orig_gsifts1p(A, B, simpl)

Greedy sifts heuristic for the original problem.

orig_interleave_when_diverge(A, B, simpl)

Another experimental heuristic (further research).

orig_interleaved(A, B, simpl)

Experimental heuristic (further research).

orig_meta(A, B, simpl)

Another experimental heuristic (further research).

orig_rnd_starts(A, B, simpl)

Another experimental heuristic (further research).

orig_simpl(A, B, simpl)

A heuristic for the original problem involving simplified problem.

simpl_5random(A, B)

Implements 'Best of 5 random orders' heuristic.

simpl_g2sifts_1p(A, B)

Experimental: greedy pairs of sifts (simplified problem), one pass.

simpl_g2sifts_2p(A, B)

Experimental: greedy pairs of sifts (simplified problem), two passes.

simpl_greedy_2sifts(A, B[, passes])

Finds a good alignment target with greedy pairs of sifts.

simpl_greedy_sifts(A, B[, passes])

Finds a good alignment target with greedy sifts

simpl_greedy_swaps(A, B)

finds a good alignment target with greedy swaps

simpl_gsifts_1p(A, B)

Greedy sifts: one pass.

simpl_gsifts_2p(A, B)

Greedy sifts: two passes.

simpl_gsifts_3p(A, B)

Greedy sifts: three passes.

simpl_gsifts_inf(A, B)

Greedy sifts: all passes.

toA(A, B)

Helper: align to A heuristic.

toB(A, B)

Helper: align to B heuristic.

Attributes defined in the module:

heuristics.SIMPL_HEU = [['simpl_minAB', <function minAB>, 'Best of A and B'], ['simpl_gswaps', <function simpl_greedy_swaps>, 'Greedy swaps'], ['simpl_5random', <function simpl_5random>, 'Best/five random orders'], ['simpl_gsifts_1p', <function simpl_gsifts_1p>, 'Greedy sifts (one pass)'], ['simpl_gsifts_2p', <function simpl_gsifts_2p>, 'Greedy sifts (two passes)'], ['simpl_gsifts_inf', <function simpl_gsifts_inf>, 'Greedy sifts (all)']]

List of heuristics for the simplified problem.

heuristics.ORIG_HEU = [['orig_simpl', <function orig_simpl>, 'Simplified problem'], ['orig_gsifts1p', <function orig_gsifts1p>, 'Greedy BDD sifts (one pass)'], ['orig_bestAB', <function orig_bestAB>, 'Best of A and B'], ['orig_5random', <function orig_5random>, 'Best of five random orders']]

List of heuristics for the original problem.


Implementation details



heuristics.fast_greedy_2sifts(A, B)[source]

finds a good alignment target with greedy pairs of sifts

Makes sifts while it can improve the objective (picking the best improvement at each step)

heuristics.fast_greedy_sifts(A, B)[source]

Finds a good alignment target with greedy sifts.

Makes sifts while it can improve the objective (picking the best improvement at each step)

heuristics.fastslide(X, a, p)[source]

An experimental function implementing faster ‘sift’ operation.

heuristics.minAB(A, B)[source]

Best of A and B heuristic (simplified problem).

heuristics.orig_5random(A, B, simpl)[source]

Five random orders (original problem).

heuristics.orig_bestAB(A, B, simpl)[source]

Best of A and B (original problem).

heuristics.orig_gsifts1p(A, B, simpl)[source]

Greedy sifts heuristic for the original problem.

heuristics.orig_interleave_when_diverge(A, B, simpl)[source]

Another experimental heuristic (further research).

heuristics.orig_interleaved(A, B, simpl)[source]

Experimental heuristic (further research).

heuristics.orig_meta(A, B, simpl)[source]

Another experimental heuristic (further research).

heuristics.orig_rnd_starts(A, B, simpl)[source]

Another experimental heuristic (further research).

heuristics.orig_simpl(A, B, simpl)[source]

A heuristic for the original problem involving simplified problem.

heuristics.simpl_5random(A, B)[source]

Implements ‘Best of 5 random orders’ heuristic.

heuristics.simpl_g2sifts_1p(A, B)[source]

Experimental: greedy pairs of sifts (simplified problem), one pass.

heuristics.simpl_g2sifts_2p(A, B)[source]

Experimental: greedy pairs of sifts (simplified problem), two passes.

heuristics.simpl_greedy_2sifts(A, B, passes=-1)[source]

Finds a good alignment target with greedy pairs of sifts.

Makes sifts while it can improve the objective, or for a given number of passes, picking the best improvement at each step. (one pass = examining all the variables.)

heuristics.simpl_greedy_sifts(A, B, passes=-1)[source]

Finds a good alignment target with greedy sifts

Makes sifts while it can improve the objective or for a given number of passes, picking the best improvement at each step. (one pass = examining all the variables)

heuristics.simpl_greedy_swaps(A, B)[source]

finds a good alignment target with greedy swaps

Makes swaps while it can improve the objective (picking the best improvement at each step)

heuristics.simpl_gsifts_1p(A, B)[source]

Greedy sifts: one pass.

heuristics.simpl_gsifts_2p(A, B)[source]

Greedy sifts: two passes.

heuristics.simpl_gsifts_3p(A, B)[source]

Greedy sifts: three passes.

heuristics.simpl_gsifts_inf(A, B)[source]

Greedy sifts: all passes.

heuristics.toA(A, B)[source]

Helper: align to A heuristic.

heuristics.toB(A, B)[source]

Helper: align to B heuristic.