Source code for BB_search

""" A branch-and-bound search scheme
implementation for the align-sequences problem:
alignts two :py:class:`varseq.VarSeq` objects.

Tests coverage: :py:mod:`BB_search_test`.
import varseq as vs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import copy as copy
import anytree as at
from anytree.exporter import DotExporter
import heapq as heap
from experiments.misc import log
import heuristics as heu

# Selected algorithm parameters
UB_UPDATE_FREQ = 5000 # in iterations

## Lower bound calculations
[docs]def LB_current(A,B): """LB: current size (before the alignment).""" return A.size()+B.size()
[docs]def LB_first_aligned(A,B): """LB: min current size after aligning the first element only.""" return min(A.size()+B.slide(A.layer_var[0],0).size(), A.slide(B.layer_var[0],0).size()+B.size())
[docs]def LB_last_aligned(A,B): """LB: min current size after aligning the last element (enumeration).""" N = len(A)-1 return min([A.slide(A.layer_var[i],N).size() + B.slide(A.layer_var[i],N).size() for i in range(N+1)])
[docs]def LB_by_level(A,B): """LB: Inversions-driven heuristic. The one based on the lemma presented in the paper. """ N = len(A) LB = LB_current(A,B) for i in range(N-1): for j in range(i+1,N): Ai = A.layer_var[i]; Aj = A.layer_var[j] if B.p[Ai] > B.p[Aj]: # it is an inversion LB += min( 2*A.n[i] - A.n[i+1], 2*B.var_size(Aj) - B.n[ B.p[Aj]+1 ] ) return LB
[docs]def LB_by_level_complicated(A,B): """LB: Another variant of the inversions-driven heuristic (improved)""" N = len(A) LB = LB_current(A,B) for i in range(N-1): Bs = [] for j in range(i+1, N): Ai = A.layer_var[i]; Aj = A.layer_var[j] if B.p[Ai] > B.p[Aj]: # an inversion Bs.append(2*B.var_size(Aj) - B.n[ B.p[Aj]+1 ]) B_srt = -1*np.sort(-1 * np.array(Bs)) A_srt = np.array([A.n[i] * (2**k) - A.n[i+k] for k in range(1,len(Bs)+1)]) LB += np.sum(np.minimum(A_srt,B_srt)) return LB
[docs]def LB_lvl_compl_symm(A,B): """LB: Symmetric version of the previous one.""" return max(LB_by_level_complicated(A,B), LB_by_level_complicated(B,A))
[docs]def LB_lvl_symm(A,B): """Symmetric version of the :py:func:`LB_by_level`.""" return max(LB_by_level(A,B), LB_by_level(B,A))
# List of lower bounds to examine # CODE - FUNC - LEGEND LOWER_BOUNDS = [ ["LB_first",LB_first_aligned,"min size first element aligned"], ["LB_last",LB_last_aligned,"min size last element aligned"], ["LB_levels",LB_by_level,"inversions-driven LB"] # ["LB_levels_amd",LB_by_level_complicated,"inversions-driven LB (amd)"], # ["LB_lvl_symm",LB_lvl_symm,"inversion-driven (symmetric)"] # ["LB_lvl_symm_amd",LB_lvl_compl_symm,"inversion-driven (amd, symm)"] ] """List of lower bounds to examine (used in a separate experiment).""" ###################################################################### ## auxiliary functions ## DOT graph (tree) export-specific ## adding labels (for DOT export)
[docs]def nodenamefunc(node): """Helper: Generates node names for graphviz export.""" fixed_A_start = node.A_tail_start #len(node.A)-node.depth fixed_B_start = node.B_tail_start #len(node.B)-node.depth return "{}[{}]\nA:{}{}({: >3d})\nB:{}{}({: >3d})\n|A|+|B|={}, LB:{}, UB:{}".format(, node.status, node.A.layer_var[:fixed_A_start],node.A.layer_var[fixed_A_start:],node.A.size(), node.B.layer_var[:fixed_B_start],node.B.layer_var[fixed_B_start:], node.B.size(),node.size(), node.LB, node.UB)
[docs]def nodeattrfunc(node): """Helper: Generates node attributes for graphviz export.""" nlabel = "xlabel=\"Tree: LB={}, UB={}, obj={}\"".format(node.tree_LB,node.tree_UB, node.best_obj) ncolor = "" if node.status == "P": ncolor = "fillcolor=grey, style=filled" if node.status == "?": ncolor = "fillcolor=lightgrey, style=dashed" if node.status == "O": ncolor = "fillcolor=orange, style=filled" if node.status == "T": ncolor = "penwidth=5" return "{},{}".format(nlabel,ncolor)
[docs]class SearchNode(at.NodeMixin): """Implements search tree node. Attributes: name (str): node name, parent (:py:class:`SearchNode`): parent node, A, B (:py:class:`varseq.VarSeq`): sequences to align, Ar, Br (:py:class:`varseq.VarSeq`): not-yet-aligned parts of ``A`` and ``B``. A_tail_start, B_tail_start (int) : position for the already-aligned tail start. status (str): node type (see the note below), tree_UB, tree_LB (int): current (tree) upper / lower bound, best_obj (int): current best objective seen, Note: - possible node types are: ``T`` = Terminal, ``O`` = Optimal, ``I`` = initialized, ``P`` = pruned, ``?`` = unknown ('open', not processed), ``E`` = processed ('expanded') """ def __init__(self, name, parent, Aresid, Bresid, A_tail_start, B_tail_start,A,B): """Class constructor""" = name self.parent = parent self.Ar = copy.deepcopy(Aresid) self.Br = copy.deepcopy(Bresid) self.A_tail_start = A_tail_start self.B_tail_start = B_tail_start self.A = copy.deepcopy(A) self.B = copy.deepcopy(B) self.status = "I" # tree-specific notes self.tree_UB = None self.tree_LB = None self.best_obj = None self.UB = None
[docs] def size(self): """Returns node size (total no. of nodes in both diagrams).""" return self.A.size() + self.B.size()
# upper bound at the current node
[docs] def calculate_UB(self, t='fast'): """Returns an upper bound for the specific node.""" if self.status == "T": self.UB = self.A.size()+self.B.size() order = self.A.layer_var else: if t=='fast': self.UB, order = heu.minAB(self.A,self.B) else: self.UB, order = heu.simpl_greedy_swaps(self.A,self.B) return [self.UB, order]
# lower bound at the current node
[docs] def calculate_LB(self): """Returns a lower bound for the current search tree node.""" if self.status=="T": LB = self.size() else: LB = LB_by_level(self.A,self.B) # inversions-driven bound return LB
# a special method that tells which node to choose # if lower bounds are equal # approach: break ties arbitrarily def __lt__(self, other): """A special methods used to break ties (if LBs are equal) -- randomly.""" return np.random.ranf() > 0.5
[docs]class BBSearch: """Implements the search tree. Attributes: A, B (:py:class:`varseq.VarSeq`): first sequence, step (int): current step number, tree_size (int): current number of nodes in the tree, verbose (Boolean): debug information printing flag, logging (Boolean): log bounds flag, logs_UB, logs_LB (list): upper/lower bounds by step (if ``verbose``), logs_step (list): step numbers (if ``verbose``), status (str): search status, root (class SearchNode): root node, Ap_cand, Bp_cand (:py:class:`varseq.VarSeq`): ``A`` / ``B`` aligned to the current candidate optimum, node_cand, cand_parent (:py:class:`SearchNode`): node corresponding to the current candidate and its parent, open_nodes (list): list of nodes to process during the search, each entry is a tuple (``<lower bound>``,``SearchNode``). """ def __init__(self, A,B): """Class constructor""" self.A = A self.B = B self.step = 0 self.tree_size = 1 self.verbose = False self.logs_UB = [] self.logs_LB = [] self.logs_step = [] self.logging = False self.status = "initialized" ## create the root node self.root = SearchNode("root", None, A,B,len(A),len(B),A,B) self.UB, order = self.root.calculate_UB('fast') self.Ap_cand = self.A.align_to(order) self.Bp_cand = self.B.align_to(order) self.node_cand = None self.cand_parent = self.root LB = self.root.calculate_LB() self.open_nodes = [(LB, self.root)] heap.heapify(self.open_nodes) # create a heap, key = lower bound
[docs] def current_best(self): """Returns current upper bound (best objective seen).""" return self.Ap_cand.size()+self.Bp_cand.size()
[docs] def dump(self, filename=None): """Technical: dump the tree into a DOT-file (graphivz).""" if filename and self.root: DotExporter(self.root, nodenamefunc=nodenamefunc,nodeattrfunc = nodeattrfunc).to_dotfile(filename)
[docs] def make_graph_gap(self, ax=None, trueOpt=None): """figure: produces an LB/UB vs step no. figure""" ax = ax or plt.gca() graph_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(self.logs_step, self.logs_UB, self.logs_LB))) graph_df.columns = ['step','UB','LB'] sns.lineplot(x='step', y ='UB', data=graph_df, ax = ax, color="red",markers=True, ci=None) sns.lineplot(x='step', y ='LB', data=graph_df, ax = ax, color="blue", markers=True,ci=None ) if trueOpt: ax.axhline(trueOpt,ls="--") # Add titles (main and on axis) ax.set_xlabel("step number (node expansions)") ax.set_ylabel("Upper (red) and lower (blue) bounds") ax.set_title("LB/UB gap") ax.text(ax.get_xlim()[1]*0.05,ax.get_ylim()[1]*0.8,"A:\n{}".format(self.A)) ax.text(ax.get_xlim()[1]*0.55,ax.get_ylim()[1]*0.8,"B:\n{}".format(self.B))
[docs] def set_logging(self, logfile, prefix, steps_list): """Sets up the logging process for BB search.""" self.logging = True self.log_file = logfile self.log_prefix = prefix self.snapshot_steps = steps_list
[docs] def search(self): """Performs BB search (the main procedure). Note: After the call, the following attributes allow to recover the solution: - ``status`` (str): ``optimal``, ``timeout`` (``initialized`` before), - ``Ap_cand``, ``Bp_cand`` (:py:class:`varseq.VarSeq`): ``A`` and ``B`` after aligning to the candidate (optimum if ``status`` = ``optimal``). """ # calculate the initial UB and LB if self.status=="optimal" or len(self.open_nodes)==0: if self.verbose: print("No nodes to explore / optimal state reached") return self.status if self.verbose: print("Initial LB={}".format(LB)) self.step = 0 while (len(self.open_nodes) > 0 and self.step <= TIMEOUT_ITERATIONS): LB, node = heap.heappop(self.open_nodes) # pick a node with the smallest LB ###################################################################### # expanding the node if self.verbose: print("Node expansion: {}, node LB={}, UB={}".format(, LB, node.UB)) # set tree bounds to be shown on the graph # (sample BB search tree figure) node.tree_LB = LB node.tree_UB = self.UB node.best_obj = self.current_best() if LB >= self.UB: # we can prune the node node.status ="P" self.status="optimal" LB = self.UB break node.status = "E" # actually processing the node for i in reversed( range(len(node.Ar)) ): # enumerating all the possible last elements # starting from the last one if vs.non_dominated(node.Ar.layer_var[i],node.Ar,node.Br): ## add a node ## sift the element under consideration to the last position A_new = copy.deepcopy(node.A) B_new = copy.deepcopy(node.B) a = node.Ar.layer_var[i] pos = len(node.Ar)-1 A_new.slide(a,pos,inplace=True) B_new.slide(a,pos,inplace=True) ## reshuffle the rest ``covered'' elements xA = node.Ar.layer_var xB = node.Br.layer_var A_covered_els = xA[i:] i_A = i if A_covered_els != []: for j in range(len(xB)): if xB[j] in A_covered_els and xB[j]!=xA[i]: A_new.layer_var[i_A] = xB[j] A_new.p[xB[j]] = i_A i_A += 1 B_covered_els = xB[node.B.p[xA[i]]:] if B_covered_els != []: i_B = node.B.p[xA[i]] for j in range(len(xA)): if xA[j] in B_covered_els and j!=i: B_new.layer_var[i_B] = node.A.layer_var[j] B_new.p[node.A.layer_var[j]] = i_B i_B += 1 ## save the results / create a node Ar_new = vs.VarSeq(A_new.layer_var[:len(node.Ar)-1], A_new.n[:len(node.Ar)-1]) Br_new = vs.VarSeq(B_new.layer_var[:len(node.Br)-1], B_new.n[:len(node.Br)-1]) newnode = SearchNode("step {}, node {}: {}to{}".format(self.step, self.tree_size, node.Ar.layer_var[i],len(node.Ar)-1), node, Ar_new, Br_new, pos, pos,A_new, B_new) self.tree_size += 1 ## check if the new one is a terminal node if A_new.is_aligned(B_new): newnode.status = "T" else: newnode.status = "?" # node to be expanded ## calculate the node lower bound newnode.LB = newnode.calculate_LB() ## update UPPER BOUND t = 'fast' if self.step % UB_UPDATE_FREQ == 0 and not ALWAYS_FAST: t = 'slow' newnode.UB, order = newnode.calculate_UB(t) if self.UB > newnode.UB: self.UB = newnode.UB self.Ap_cand = self.A.align_to(order) self.Bp_cand = self.B.align_to(order) if newnode.status == "T": self.node_cand = newnode else: self.cand_parent = newnode if newnode.LB < self.UB and newnode.status != "T": heap.heappush(self.open_nodes,(newnode.LB, newnode)) ## update LOWER BOUND if self.logging: self.logs_step.append(self.step) self.logs_UB.append(self.UB) self.logs_LB.append(LB) # end of node expansion ###################################################################### self.step += 1 if self.verbose: print("node expanded. Step {}, LB={}, UB={}".format(self.step, LB, self.UB)) if self.logging: if self.step in self.snapshot_steps: log(self.log_prefix, str(self.step), str(LB), str(self.UB), outfile = self.log_file) if self.step > TIMEOUT_ITERATIONS: self.status="timeout" elif (self.node_cand is None) and not (self.cand_parent is None): # create an optimal node order = self.Ap_cand.layer_var opt_node = SearchNode("step {}, node {}: UB=LB".format(self.step, self.tree_size),self.cand_parent,[],[],0,0,self.A.align_to(order), self.B.align_to(order)) opt_node.status = "O" if self.verbose: print("optimal node created") self.status="optimal" LB = self.UB elif (self.node_cand is None and self.cand_parent is None): print("ERROR: optimum found, but both node candidate and candidate parent are None (please report a bug)") print("Optimal order: {}, objective={}".format(self.Ap_cand.layer_var, self.current_best())) print("...while aligning: \nA:\n{}\nB:\n{}".format(self.A,self.B)) exit(1) else: self.status="optimal" LB = self.UB if self.verbose: print("\nSearch done in {} iterations. UB={}, LB={}, status: {}, tree size: {}".format(self.step, self.UB, LB, self.status, self.tree_size)) if self.node_cand is None: print("No candidate node found!") if self.status == "optimal": if not self.node_cand is None: self.node_cand.status="O" while len(self.open_nodes) > 0: node_LB, next_node = self.open_nodes.pop() if next_node.status == "?": next_node.status = "P" if self.logging: self.logs_LB.append(LB) self.logs_UB.append(self.UB) self.logs_step.append(self.step) log(self.log_prefix, str(self.step), str(LB), str(self.UB), outfile = self.log_file, comment = "status:{}".format(self.status)) return self.status