Source code for UFLP_fullDD

"""Solves UFLP using a DD-based approach.

The core function, :py:func:`create_cover_DD`, implements
the BDD-building procedure to encode a j-UFLP sub-instance
(i.e., a UFLP problem with overlap costs).

Related: a good order of variables is found with :py:mod:`UFLPOrder` module.
from BDD import BDD, NROOT, NTRUE
from darkcloud import solve_with_MIP, gen_caveman_inst
from copy import copy
import pytest
import numpy as np
from UFLPOrder import UFLP_greedy_order

[docs]def make_label(state): """Helper: formats a node label according to the ``state``.""" return "\n"+"\n".join([f"{j+1}:{state[j]}" for j in range(len(state)) if (state[j])])
[docs]def calc_cost(pts_list, state, prev_state, last_decision, S, f, c): """Helper: calculates the added cost during the BDD creation. Args: S, f, c: UFLP instance parameters, pts_list (list): points to generate cost for, state: the new state last_decision(tuple): a var (int) - value(int) pair. Returns: Added cost according to the ``state``. """ cost = 0.0 for j in pts_list: a = sum([1 * ((state[i-1] == 1) or (prev_state[i-1] == 1) or ((i == last_decision[0]) and (last_decision[1] == 1))) for i in S[j-1]]) cost += f[j - 1][a] if (state[j - 1] == 1) or (prev_state[j - 1] == 1) or ((j == last_decision[0]) and (last_decision[1] == 1)): cost += c[j - 1] return cost
[docs]def create_cover_DD(S, f, c, node_order): """Generates a BDD for an UFLP with cavemen structure. Args: S, f, c: instance params (see :py:func:`darkcloud.gen_caveman_inst`), node_order (list[int]): order of nodes to add. Returns: B (class BDD): resulting diagram Note: Implements 'forgetting' nodes along the way. """ N = len(S) assert N == len(node_order), f"node_order must contain exactly {N} nodes." B = BDD(N=N, vars=[n for n in node_order], weighted=True) # how many node costs do I need this point for? node_value = [len(S[j-1]) for j in range(1, len(S)+1)] # how many more points do I need to add to calculate costs? # ("cost uncertainty") cost_unc = [len(S[j-1]) for j in range(1, len(S)+1)] root_state = tuple(0 for _ in range(len(S))) # STATE CODES: # 1 = true (set), -1 = false (unset), 0 = doesn't matter node_labels = dict({NROOT: make_label(root_state)}) next_layer = {root_state: B.addnode(None)} k = 0 # created layers counter nodes = copy(node_order) while k < N: i = nodes.pop(0) add_costs = [] # list of points to calc costs for during the step for j in S[i-1]: cost_unc[j-1] -= 1 if cost_unc[j-1] == 0: add_costs.append(j) for s in S[j-1]: node_value[s-1] -= 1 # adding i-th point (of the original graph) current_layer = copy(next_layer) if k == N-1: # last layer next_layer = {tuple([0 for _ in root_state]): B.nodes[NTRUE]} else: next_layer = dict() for state in current_layer: # a no-arc node = current_layer[state] next_state = tuple([ (state[k] - 1 * ((k + 1) == i)) * (node_value[k] > 0) for k in range(len(state)) ]) arc_cost = calc_cost(add_costs, next_state, state, (i, -1), S, f, c) if next_state in next_layer: B.llink(node, next_layer[next_state], "lo", edge_weight=arc_cost) else: newnode = B.addnode(node, "lo", edge_weight=arc_cost) next_layer.update({next_state: newnode}) node_labels.update({ make_label(next_state)}) # a yes-arc next_state = tuple([(state[q] + ((q+1) == i)) * (node_value[q] > 0) for q in range(len(state))]) arc_cost = calc_cost(add_costs, next_state, state, (i, 1), S, f, c) if next_state in next_layer: B.llink(node, next_layer[next_state], "hi", edge_weight=arc_cost) else: newnode = B.addnode(node, "hi", edge_weight=arc_cost) next_layer.update({next_state: newnode}) node_labels.update({ make_label(next_state)}) k += 1 return B, node_labels
# Testing code ######################################################
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("inst", [ gen_caveman_inst(n=np.random.randint(5, 8), M=np.random.randint(5, 8), L=max(0.1 + np.random.rand(), 0.9)) for _ in range(100)]) def test_full_DD(inst): """Tests the full-DD-based approach against a MiP.""" S, f, c, _ = inst _, objMIP, _, _ = solve_with_MIP(S, f, c) order = UFLP_greedy_order(S) print(f"order = {order}") B, nl = create_cover_DD(S, f, c, order) objDD = B.shortest_path()[0] assert abs(objMIP - objDD) < 0.01
[docs]def test_cost_calc(): """Tests :py:func:`UFLP_fullDD.calc_cost` function.""" S = [[1, 2,3,4,5], [2, 1,3], [3, 1,2,6], [4, 1], [5, 1,6], [6, 5,3]] f = [] for k in range(len(S)): f.append([10, 0] + [1+j+0.1*(k+1) for j in range(len(S[k]))]) c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] # testing for a specific instance state = (0,0,0,0,0,0) prev_state = (0,0,0,0,0,0) ld = (1, -1) forget = [1] assert calc_cost(forget, state, prev_state, ld, S, f, c) == 10.0 forget = [1, 3, 5] assert calc_cost(forget, state, prev_state, ld, S, f, c) == 30.0 forget = [4, 6] assert calc_cost(forget, state, prev_state, ld, S, f, c) == 20.0 forget = [1] ld = (1, 1) assert calc_cost(forget, state, prev_state, ld, S, f, c) == 1.0 forget = [1] ld = (3, -1) prev_state = (1,0,0,0,0,0) assert calc_cost(forget, state, prev_state, ld, S, f, c) == 1.0 state = (1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0) assert calc_cost(forget, state, prev_state, ld, S, f, c) == 2.1 ld = (1, 1) assert calc_cost(forget, state, prev_state, ld, S, f, c) == 2.1
[docs]def run_fullDD_simple(): """Creates a diagram for a simple UFLP instance.""" S = [[1, 2,3,4,5], [2, 1,3], [3, 1,2,6], [4, 1], [5, 1,6], [6, 5,3]] f = [] for k in range(len(S)): f.append([10, 0] + [1+j+0.1*(k+1) for j in range(len(S[k]))]) c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] return create_cover_DD(S, f, c, UFLP_greedy_order(S))