Source code for darkcloud

Contains the j-UFLP instance generation code (along with some legacy experiments).

Implements the 'cloud' algorithm that builds a BDD for a UFLP (using separate MIPs)
over a relaxed cavemen graph. Generates the 'points-cluster' sturcutred instances.
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass
import gurobipy as gp
from experiments.softcover import generate_overlaps, assert_instance
from BDD import BDD, NTRUE, NFALSE, NROOT, intersect
import pytest
from time import time
from copy import copy
import varseq as vs
import BB_search as bb

[docs]@dataclass class ptscloud: """Keeps current 'cloud' of points (modeling a 'cave'). Attributes: e1, e2 (tuple): the 4 endpoints of the 2 edges emanating from the cave, S (list[int]): a list of points within the cave. """ e1: tuple[int] e2: tuple[int] S: list[int]
[docs]def gen_caveman_inst(n=10, M=5, L=0.5, verbose=False): """Generates an instance with the related metadata (info on caves). Args: n (int): number of caves, M (int): number of points in a cave, L (float): edge sparsity parameter (share of missing edges) verbose (Bool): print debug info Returns: S, f, c, caves: instance (S,f,c) and caves description. Note: The parameter ``L`` is assumed to be: .. math:: L = 1 - 2\\frac{\\textrm{Number of existing arcs}}{N(N-1)} (See, e.g., Sefair and Smith 2016 on DSPI for a similar approach.) """ # creating the graph topology first S = [[j+1] for j in range(n * M)] # creating the nodes first entry_point = (None, None) caves = [] for k in range(n): lastcave = [k*M + 1] if len(caves) > 0: caves[-1].e2 = entry_point S[entry_point[0]-1].append(entry_point[1]) S[entry_point[1]-1].append(entry_point[0]) n_edges = 0 # create the necessary number of connected nodes while len(lastcave) < M: connect_to = np.random.choice(lastcave) lastcave.append(lastcave[-1]+1) S[lastcave[-1]-1].append(connect_to) S[connect_to-1].append(lastcave[-1]) n_edges += 1 # add edges to ensure the required sparsity while (1 - 2*n_edges / (M*(M-1))) > L: n1 = np.random.choice(lastcave) n2 = np.random.choice(lastcave) if n1 not in S[n2-1]: S[n2-1].append(n1) S[n1-1].append(n2) n_edges += 1 caves.append(ptscloud(entry_point, (None, None), [j for j in range(k*M+1, (k+1)*M+1)])) entry_point = (np.random.choice(lastcave), (k+1)*M+1) # creating costs info (location and overlap costs) f = generate_overlaps(S) C0 = 5.0 Cw = 1.0 c = [C0 + Cw*(np.random.uniform()-0.5) for _ in range(len(S))] if verbose: print(f"S={S};\nf={f}\n;c={c}") return S, f, c, caves
[docs]def gen_typed_cavemen_inst(n, M, L, K, kb_max): """Generates an instance with types. First parameters are that of :py:func:`gen_caveman_inst`. The other ones are ``K``, number of types, and ``kb_max`` -- max type budget. Relies on :py:func:`darkcloud.gen_caveman_inst` for graph generation. Returns: S (adjacencies), f (overlap costs), c (location costs), caves (list of ptscloud), k (point types), kbar (type budgets) """ S, f, c, caves = gen_caveman_inst(n, M, L) join_pts = sum([list(c.e1 + c.e2) for c in caves], []) join_pts = list(np.unique([j for j in join_pts if j is not None])) assert K <= len(join_pts), "More classes than cave joining points!" +f" ({K}>{len(join_pts)})" k = dict() for t in range(K): pt = np.random.choice(join_pts) k.update({pt: t+1}) join_pts.remove(pt) for pt in join_pts: k.update({pt: np.random.randint(1, K+1)}) kbar = [np.random.randint(1, kb_max+1) for _ in range(K)] return S, f, c, caves, k, kbar
[docs]def dump_instance(S, filename="tmp/"): """Dumps a graph implied by S into a `.dot` file. """ added = set([]) with open(filename, "w") as fout: fout.write("graph G {\n") for i in range(len(S)): for j in S[i]: if ((i+1) != j) and not (((j, (i+1)) in added) or ((i+1, j) in added)): fout.write(f"n{i+1} -- n{j};\n") added.add(((i+1), j)) fout.write("}")
[docs]def save_typed_instance(S, caves, k, kbar, more_info="", filename="tmp/"): """Draws a ``dot`` for the given instance.""" cnum=0 with open(filename, "w") as fout: fout.write("graph G {\n") fout.write(f" label=\"{len(kbar)} types," + f" budget={kbar} {more_info}\";\n") fout.write(" labelloc=top; labeljust=center;fontsize=100;\n") edges = set([]) for c in caves: cnum += 1 fout.write(f" subgraph cluster_{cnum}" "{\n") for j in c.S: if j in k: fout.write(f" n{j}[label={k[j]} fontsize=50];\n") else: fout.write(f" n{j}" + "[shape=point height=0.2 width=0.2 color=red];\n") fout.write(" }\n") for Si in S: for j in Si[1:]: if ((Si[0], j) not in edges) and ((j, Si[0]) not in edges): edges.add((Si[0], j)) fout.write(f" n{Si[0]} -- n{j};\n") fout.write("}")
[docs]def prepare_inst(filename="tmp/instance.gv"): n = 7 M = 10 L = 0.45 K = 3 kb_max = 3 S, f, c, caves, k, kbar = gen_typed_cavemen_inst(n, M, L, K, kb_max) # solve the unconstrained (untyped) version sol = DDSolver(S, f, c, caves) t0 = time() B = sol.build_cover_DD() sp = B.shortest_path() objU = sp[0] tUDD = time() - t0 t0 = time() _, _, _, _ = solve_with_MIP(S, f, c) tUMIP = time() - t0 # solve the constrained (typed) version t0 = time() sol = DDTypedSolver(S, f, c, caves, k, kbar) objC = sol.solve_with_DDs() tCDD = time() - t0 t0 = time() _, _, _, _ = solve_typed_with_MIP(S, f, c, k, kbar) tCMIP = time() - t0 save_typed_instance(S, caves, k, kbar, more_info=f"\nn={n}, M={M}, L={L}\n"+ f"objective: typed {objC:.1f}, untyped {objU:.1f}\n" + f"MIP time: typed {tCMIP:.1f}, untyped {tUMIP:.1f} sec.\n"+ f"DD time: typed {tCDD:.1f}, untyped {tUDD:.1f} sec.", filename=filename)
[docs]def gen_simple_cavemen_inst0(): """Generates a simple instance with metadata. Returns: S, f, c, caves """ S = [[1, 2, 4, 5], [2, 1, 3, 8, 10], [3, 2, 12, 13, 15], [4, 1, 5, 6], [5, 1, 4, 6, 7], [6, 4, 5, 7], [7, 6, 5], [8, 2, 9, 10, 11], [9, 8, 11], [10, 2, 8], [11, 8, 9], [12, 3, 13, 14], [13, 3, 12, 14], [14, 12, 13, 15, 16], [15, 3, 14], [16, 14]] f = generate_overlaps(S) c = [5.0*np.random.uniform() for _ in range(len(S))] caves = [ptscloud(2, 0, [1,4,5,6,7]), ptscloud(1, 3, [2,8,9,10,11]), ptscloud(2, 0, [3,12,13,14,15,16])] return S, f, c, caves
[docs]def gen_simple_cavemen_inst1(): """Generates (another) simple instance with metadata. Returns: S, f, c, caves """ S = [[1,2,3], [2,1,3,4], [3,1,2,4], [4,2,3,5], [5,4,6,7], [6,5,8], [7,5,8], [8, 6,7,9], [9, 8,11], [10, 11], [11, 9,10,12], [12, 11,13], [13, 12,14,15], [14, 13,15], [15, 13,14,18], [16, 18], [17, 18,20], [18, 15,16,17], [19, 20,22], [20, 17, 19,21], [21, 20,22], [22, 19,21,23], [23, 22,25,26], [24, 26], [25, 23, 26], [26, 23, 24,25]] caves = [ptscloud((None, None), (4,5), [1,2,3,4]), ptscloud((4,5), (8,9), [5,6,7,8]), ptscloud((8,9), (12,13), [9,10,11,12]), ptscloud((12,13), (15,18), [13,14,15]), ptscloud((15,18), (17,20), [16,17,18]), ptscloud((17,20), (22,23), [19,20,21,22]), ptscloud((22,23), (None, None), [23,24,25,26])] f = generate_overlaps(S) c = [5.0*np.random.uniform() for _ in range(len(S))] return S, f, c, caves
[docs]class DDSolver: """Implements a DD-based solver for the j-UFLP over 'cavemen'-instances.""" def __init__(self, S, f, c, caves): self.S = S self.f = f self.c = c self.caves = caves self.B = None
[docs] def _add_interim_point(self, x, current_state, new_state, current_layer, add_costs=None): """Adds variable after the current layer.""" assert self.B is not None assert new_state[-1] == x, f"Last var, {new_state[-1]}, is not {x}" next_layer = dict() state_pos = {var: idx for idx, var in enumerate(current_state)} state_pos.update({x: len(state_pos)}) for state in current_layer: for (xval, arc) in [(True, "hi"), (False, "lo")]: astate = state + (xval,) newstate = tuple(astate[state_pos[j]] for j in new_state) if add_costs is None: cost = 0.0 else: fnodes = {current_state[i]: astate[i] for i in range(len(current_state))} fnodes.update({x: astate[-1]}) cost = self._calc_cave(add_costs, fixed_nodes=fnodes) if newstate in next_layer: self.B.llink(current_layer[state], next_layer[newstate], arc, cost) else: newnode = self.B.addnode(current_layer[state], arc, edge_weight=cost) next_layer.update({newstate: newnode}) return next_layer
[docs] def _calc_cave(self, cave, fixed_nodes, verbose=False): """Calculates part of the objective due to the given cave.""" m = gp.Model() m.modelSense = gp.GRB.MINIMIZE x = dict() y = dict() endpoints = [x for x in cave.e1] + [x for x in cave.e2] endpoints = [x for x in endpoints if x is not None] V = list(np.unique([j for j in cave.S] + endpoints)) # variables for i in V: # decision (location) variables if i in cave.S: x[i] = m.addVar(vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY, name=f"x{i}", obj=self.c[i-1]) # overlap (aux) variables for a in range(1, len(self.S[i-1])+1): y[(i, a)] = m.addVar(vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY, name=f"y_{i}_{a}", obj=(self.f[i-1][a] - self.f[i-1][a-1])) else: x[i] = m.addVar(vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY, name=f"x{i}", obj=0.0) # constraints for j in V: if j not in cave.S: continue m.addConstr(gp.quicksum(x[k] for k in self.S[j-1]) == gp.quicksum(y[(j, a)] for a in range(1, len(self.S[j-1])+1))) for a in range(1, len(self.S[j-1])): m.addConstr(y[(j, a)] >= y[(j, a+1)]) # fixing variables if verbose: print(f"Calc: S={cave.S}, fixed={fixed_nodes}, e1={cave.e1}, e2={cave.e2}") for var in fixed_nodes: m.addConstr(x[var] == fixed_nodes[var]*1) m.display() m.update() m.optimize() assert m.status == gp.GRB.OPTIMAL fterm = sum(self.f[j-1][0] for j in cave.S) return m.objVal + fterm
[docs] def build_cover_DD(self): """Builds a cover/overlap DD for the instance.""" assert len(self.caves) > 1 vars_to_add = sum([[c.e1[0], c.e1[1], c.e2[0], c.e2[1]] for c in self.caves], []) vars_to_add = np.unique([v for v in vars_to_add if v is not None]) self.B = BDD(N=len(vars_to_add), weighted=True) varnames = [] current_layer = {tuple(): self.B.addnode(parent_node=None)} self.curr_state = [] for cavenum, cave in enumerate(self.caves[:-1]): new_points = [] drop_points = [] new_points = list(np.unique([j for j in (cave.e1 + cave.e2) if (j not in self.curr_state) and ( j is not None)])) drop_points = [j for j in cave.e1 if (j not in cave.e2) and ( j is not None)] for x in new_points[:-1]: current_layer = self._add_interim_point(x, self.curr_state, self.curr_state + [x], current_layer) varnames.append(x) self.curr_state += [x] x = new_points[-1] if cavenum < len(self.caves)-2: # processing the last point newstate = [y for y in (self.curr_state + [x]) if y not in drop_points] current_layer = self._add_interim_point( x, self.curr_state, newstate, current_layer, add_costs=cave) else: # that's the last point of the pre-last cloud # connecting everything to T and F nodes # (no new nodes needed, just calculate costs) for state in current_layer: for (xval, arc) in [(True, "hi"), (False, "lo")]: fixed_vals = { pt: state[i] for i, pt in enumerate(self.curr_state)} fixed_vals.update({new_points[-1]: xval}) fvals2 = {var: fixed_vals[var] for var in fixed_vals if var in (self.caves[-1].S + list(self.caves[-1].e1) + list(self.caves[-1].e2))} cost = self._calc_cave(cave, fixed_vals) + self._calc_cave( self.caves[-1], fvals2)[state].id, NTRUE, arc, cost) varnames.append(x) self.curr_state = newstate self.B.rename_vars({i: varnames[i-1] for i in self.B.vars}) return self.B
[docs]class DDTypedSolver (DDSolver): def __init__(self, S, f, c, caves, k, kbar): DDSolver.__init__(self, S, f, c, caves) self.k = k self.kbar = kbar self.D = None
[docs] def build_type_DD(self): """Builds a BDD encoding location-level constraints. Deals with no. locations per type and location costs. Args: f (dict): location costs, types (dict): type codes per facility k_bar (np.array): max. number of locations per type. preferred_order (list): order of nodes to align to, as possible (e.g., of the already built cover DD) Returns: D (class BDD): resulting diagram. nl (dict): string node labels ("states"), `id` -> `label` (string). Implementation based on :py:func:`tUFLP.build_type_DD`. FIXME: revise this doc """ self.D = BDD(N=len(self.k), vars=[f"stub{i}" for i in range(1, len(self.k)+1)], weighted=True) # a *state* is the number of located facilities # for the *current* type (a single number) n = 1 # (original) nodes counter N = len(self.k) node_labels = dict({NROOT: 0}) next_layer = {0: self.D.addnode(None)} trash_pipe = None customers = {c: [] for c in range(1, len(self.k)+1)} for j in self.B.vars: if j in self.k: customers[self.k[j]].append(j) types = list(np.random.permutation([(c+1) for c in range(len(self.kbar))])) for c in types: for customer in customers[c][:-1]: if n == N: break current_layer = copy(next_layer) next_layer = dict() if trash_pipe is not None: # create a new "false" running node. new_tp = self.D.addnode(trash_pipe, "lo") self.D.llink(trash_pipe, new_tp, "hi") trash_pipe = new_tp node_labels.update({ "💀"}) for state in current_layer: node = current_layer[state] if state in next_layer: self.D.llink(node, next_layer[state], "lo") else: newnode = self.D.addnode(node, "lo") next_layer.update({state: newnode}) node_labels.update({ str(state)}) if (state+1) in next_layer: self.D.llink(node, next_layer[state+1], "hi", edge_weight=0.0) else: if (state+1) > self.kbar[c-1]: if trash_pipe is None: trash_pipe = self.D.addnode(node, "hi") node_labels.update({ "💀"}) else: self.D.llink(node, trash_pipe, "hi") else: newnode = self.D.addnode(node, "hi") next_layer.update({state+1: newnode}) node_labels.update({ str(state+1)}) self.D.rename_vars({f"stub{n}": customer}) n += 1 # Processing the last customer separately # (within a type) if n < N: current_layer = copy(next_layer) next_layer = dict() if trash_pipe is not None: # create a new "false" running node. new_tp = self.D.addnode(trash_pipe, "lo") self.D.llink(trash_pipe, new_tp, "hi") trash_pipe = new_tp node_labels.update({ "💀"}) for state in current_layer: node = current_layer[state] new_state = 0 # we 'reset' the type counter if new_state in next_layer: self.D.llink(node, next_layer[new_state], "lo") else: newnode = self.D.addnode(node, "lo") next_layer.update({new_state: newnode}) node_labels.update({ str(new_state)}) if (state+1) > self.kbar[c-1]: if trash_pipe is None: trash_pipe = self.D.addnode(node, "hi") node_labels.update({ "💀"}) else: self.D.llink(node, trash_pipe, "hi") else: self.D.llink(node, next_layer[new_state], "hi") assert len(customers[c])>0, f"Empty customers[{c}]" self.D.rename_vars({f"stub{n}": customers[c][-1]}) n += 1 else: # the last layer of the DD if trash_pipe is not None:, NFALSE, "hi"), NFALSE, "lo") for state in next_layer: node_id = next_layer[state].id if state+1 > self.kbar[c-1]: y_target = NFALSE else: y_target = NTRUE, y_target, "hi"), NTRUE, "lo") self.D.rename_vars({f"stub{n}": customers[c][-1]}) return self.D, node_labels
[docs] def solve_with_DDs(self): """Solves the problem using the DD-based approach.""" C = self.build_cover_DD() T, _ = self.build_type_DD() vs_C = vs.VarSeq(C.vars, [len(L) for L in C.layers[:-1]]) vs_T = vs.VarSeq(T.vars, [len(L) for L in T.layers[:-1]]) assert set(vs_C.layer_var) == set( vs_T.layer_var), f"T:{vs_T.layer_var}, C:{vs_C.layer_var}" b = bb.BBSearch(vs_C, vs_T) # bb.TIMEOUT_ITERATIONS=10000 status = assert status == "optimal" or status == "timeout" Cp = C.align_to(b.Ap_cand.layer_var, inplace=False) Tp = T.align_to(b.Ap_cand.layer_var, inplace=False) int_DD = intersect(Cp, Tp) sp = int_DD.shortest_path() return sp[0]
[docs] def solve_with_DDs_noVS(self, TtoC = True): """Solves the problem using the DD-based approach.""" C = self.build_cover_DD() T, _ = self.build_type_DD() if TtoC: T.align_to(C.vars, inplace=True) else: C.align_to(T.vars, inplace=True) int_DD = intersect(C, T) sp = int_DD.shortest_path() return sp[0]
# Testing code ###################################################### # First: test that instances are correct
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("_", [None for _ in range(30)]) def test_inst_gen(_): """Tests that instance generator works correctly.""" S, f, c, caves = gen_simple_cavemen_inst0() assert_instance(S, f, c) S, f, c, caves = gen_simple_cavemen_inst1() assert_instance(S, f, c) n = np.random.randint(5, 10) M = np.random.randint(3, 10) L = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9) S, f, c, caves = gen_caveman_inst(n, M, L) assert_instance(S, f, c)
[docs]def solve_with_MIP(S, f, c): """Creates a MIP model (for gurobi) from an instance specs. Args: S (list): list of adjacency lists, f (list): overlap cost function, f[j][a], c (list): location costs per point. Returns: model, objective, x, y """ m = gp.Model() m.modelSense = gp.GRB.MINIMIZE m.setParam("OutputFlag", 0) x = dict() y = dict() # create variables for j in range(1, len(S)+1): x[j] = m.addVar(vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY, name=f"x_{j}", obj=c[j-1]) for a in range(1, len(S[j-1])+1): y[(j, a)] = m.addVar(vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY, name=f"y_{j}_{a}", obj=f[j-1][a]-f[j-1][a-1]) # create constraints for j in range(1, len(S)+1): m.addConstr(gp.quicksum(x[k] for k in S[j-1]) == gp.quicksum(y[(j, a)] for a in range(1, len(S[j-1])+1))) for a in range(1, len(S[j-1])): m.addConstr(y[(j, a)] >= y[(j, a+1)]) m.update() m.optimize() assert m.status == gp.GRB.OPTIMAL return m, (m.objVal + sum(fs[0] for fs in f)), x, y
[docs]def solve_typed_with_MIP(S, f, c, k, kbar): """Creates a MIP model (for gurobi) from an instance specs. (Typed version.) Args: S (list): list of adjacency lists, f (list): overlap cost function, f[j][a], c (list): location costs per point. k (dict): point types, kbar (list): budget types. Returns: model, objective value, x, and y """ m = gp.Model() m.modelSense = gp.GRB.MINIMIZE m.setParam("OutputFlag", 0) x = dict() y = dict() # create variables for j in range(1, len(S)+1): x[j] = m.addVar(vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY, name=f"x_{j}", obj=c[j-1]) for a in range(1, len(S[j-1])+1): y[(j, a)] = m.addVar(vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY, name=f"y_{j}_{a}", obj=f[j-1][a]-f[j-1][a-1]) # create constraints for j in range(1, len(S)+1): m.addConstr(gp.quicksum(x[k] for k in S[j-1]) == gp.quicksum(y[(j, a)] for a in range(1, len(S[j-1])+1))) for a in range(1, len(S[j-1])): m.addConstr(y[(j, a)] >= y[(j, a+1)]) # add type constraints for t in range(1, len(kbar)+1): m.addConstr(gp.quicksum(x[j] for j in k if k[j] == t) <= kbar[t-1]) m.update() m.optimize() assert m.status == gp.GRB.OPTIMAL return m, (m.objVal + sum(fs[0] for fs in f)), x, y
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("_", [None for _ in range(10)]) def test_BDD_vs_MIP_simple(_): """Tests BDD vs MIP over a single topology (random costs).""" S, f, c, caves = gen_simple_cavemen_inst1() assert compare_BDD_vs_MIP(S, f, c, caves)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("_", [None for _ in range(10)]) def test_BDD_vs_MIP_random(_): n = np.random.randint(5, 10) M = np.random.randint(3, 10) L = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9) S, f, c, caves = gen_caveman_inst(n, M, L) assert compare_BDD_vs_MIP(S, f, c, caves)
[docs]def compare_BDD_vs_MIP(S, f, c, caves): sol = DDSolver(S, f, c, caves) B = sol.build_cover_DD() sp = B.shortest_path() _, obj, x, y = solve_with_MIP(S, f, c) print(f"obj={obj}, sp={sp[0]}") return abs(obj - sp[0]) < 1e-3
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("_", [None for _ in range(10)]) def test_DD_full(_): """Tests the DD-based approach against a MiP.""" print("Generating instance and solving a MiP (twice)...") generated = False while not generated: S, f, c, caves, k, kbar = gen_typed_cavemen_inst(10, 10, 0.25, 3, 2) t0 = time() _, objMIP, _, _ = solve_typed_with_MIP(S, f, c, k, kbar) t1 = time() _, objUC, _, _ = solve_with_MIP(S, f, c) # for UnConstrained if abs(objMIP - objUC) > 1: generated = True print(f"Done, solved with MIP in {t1 - t0:.1f} sec. Solving with DDs...") t0 = time() sol = DDTypedSolver(S, f, c, caves, k, kbar) objDD = sol.solve_with_DDs() print(f"Done after {time()-t0:.1f} sec.") print(f"MIP: {objMIP:.2f},\nDDs: {objDD:.2f}") assert abs(objMIP - objDD) < 0.01
[docs]def main(): """Main experiment: runtimes DD vs MIP.""" print("Experiment, total_nodes, n, M, L, t_gen, t_BDD_, t_MIP, t_MIPvsDD") for k in range(250): t0 = time() n = 10 M = np.random.randint(8, 11) L = 0.25 S, f, c, caves = gen_caveman_inst(n, M, L) t_gen = time() - t0 t0 = time() sol = DDSolver(S, f, c, caves) B = sol.build_cover_DD() sp = B.shortest_path() obj_BDD = sp[0] t_BDD = time() - t0 t0 = time() _, obj_MIP, x, y = solve_with_MIP(S, f, c) t_MIP = time() - t0 print(f"{k}, {n*M}, {n}, {M}, {L:.2f}, {t_gen:.3f}, {t_BDD:.3f}, {t_MIP:.3f}, {t_MIP/t_BDD:.1f}", flush=True) assert abs(obj_MIP - obj_BDD) < 1e-2
if __name__ == '__main__': main()