Source code for solve_inst

"""Solves given align-BDD instances to benchmark different methods.

Takes a list of align-BDD instances (generated by :py:mod:`gen_BDD_pair`) and solves it applying different heuristics. In particular, for each instance the script:

- generates the simplified problem and solves it with heuristics described in list :py:attr:`heuristics.SIMPL_HEU`,
- solves the original problem with the heuristics described in list :py:attr:`heuristics.ORIG_HEU`.

For each operation, runtime and the resulting objective are logged (and saved in a ``csv`` formatted file).

import BDD as exact
import varseq as simpl
from time import time
import BB_search as bb
import heuristics as heu
import numpy as np
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
import argparse as ap
from experiments.misc import log

[docs]def main(): """Implements the instance solution.""" parser = ap.ArgumentParser(description="Processes (solves) a list of align-BDD instances (c) A. Bochkarev, Clemson University, 2020", formatter_class=ap.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-i", "--in", action="store", dest="inst_list", help="filename for instances list to process") parser.add_argument("-o", "--out", action="store", dest="logfile", help="filename for the log") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", action="store", dest="inst_dir", help="directory with instances") parser.add_argument("-H", "--header", action="store_true", dest="header", help="show header only and exit") args = parser.parse_args() if args.header: log("instance","num_type","value",comment="comment") # needed for the legend for heuristic in heu.SIMPL_HEU: log("-1,legend",heuristic[0], comment=heuristic[2]) for heuristic in heu.ORIG_HEU: log("-1,legend",heuristic[0], comment=heuristic[2]) log("-1,legend,simpl_BB", comment="Branch-and-bound") exit(0) inst_dir = args.inst_dir with open(args.inst_list,"r") as inst_list: with open(args.logfile,"w") as logf: # process instances for inst_id in inst_list: inst_id = inst_id.rstrip() if inst_id == "": continue t0=time() fnameA = "".join([inst_dir, "A",inst_id,".bdd"]) fnameB = "".join([inst_dir, "B",inst_id,".bdd"]) bdd_A = exact.BDD(); bdd_A.load(fnameA) bdd_B = exact.BDD(); bdd_B.load(fnameB) ###################################################### ## The simplified problem vs_A = simpl.VarSeq(bdd_A.vars, [len(l) for l in bdd_A.layers[:-1]]) vs_B = simpl.VarSeq(bdd_B.vars, [len(l) for l in bdd_B.layers[:-1]]) # find opts for varseq instance with BB-search t0 = time() b = bb.BBSearch(vs_A,vs_B) status = log(inst_id,"simpl_opt_status",1-int(status=="optimal"),outfile=logf, comment=status) simpl_obj = b.Ap_cand.size() + b.Bp_cand.size() t1 = time() simpl_time = t1 - t0 log(inst_id, "simpl_BB_time",simpl_time,outfile=logf) log(inst_id, "simpl_BB_obj",simpl_obj,outfile=logf) # testing heuristics for the simplified problem ## simple ones: toA, toB, toRandom v = []; s = []; t=[] for heuristic in heu.SIMPL_HEU: t0 = time() sh,vh = heuristic[1](vs_A,vs_B) t1 = time() th = t1-t0 log(inst_id, heuristic[0]+"_time",th,outfile=logf) log(inst_id, heuristic[0]+"_obj",sh,outfile=logf) v.append(vh); s.append(sh); t.append(th) simpl_results = dict(zip([c[0] for c in heu.SIMPL_HEU], [s,t,v])) simpl_results.update({"simpl_BB":[b.Ap_cand.size()+b.Bp_cand.size(), simpl_time, b.Ap_cand.layer_var]}) ###################################################### # The original problem t0 = time() o = b.Ap_cand.layer_var # optimal order found by the BBSearch bdd_Aa = bdd_A.align_to(o) bdd_Ba = bdd_B.align_to(o) oo_simpl_order = bdd_Aa.size() + bdd_Ba.size() for heuristic in heu.ORIG_HEU: t0 = time() s,t_add,v = heuristic[1](bdd_A,bdd_B,simpl_results) t1 = time() log(inst_id, heuristic[0]+"_time",t_add+(t1-t0),outfile=logf) log(inst_id, heuristic[0]+"_obj",s,outfile=logf)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()